Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be. ~Grandma Moses

Saturday, April 24, 2010

First Blog! HOT yoga. New bikes.

I'm attempting this blog because I want to change. I need to change. I need to change our eating habits. I need to change my health. I am always exhausted and way too short with the kids. I am spread too thin with trying to be everything for everyone. I want to work on being a more appreciate person - appreciative of my children, my husband and my life in general. This will be a journey for sure and I could use all the support I can get.

In my attempt to become healthier and stronger, I attended my first Bikram (aka HOT!) yoga class yesterday. I arrived at the class eager and a bit nervous. I left the class sweaty and nauseous. Of course, I am committed to this new life of healthy living and healthy eating, more so after bathing suit shopping today, so I bought the 10-class package and a yoga mat. I walked into the hot, steamy room with excitement. "This is going to be the one exercise I love. I'll be thin and healthy in no time." Let me tell you - 90 minutes is not such a long time when you are home alone without the kids but 90 minutes seems like an eternity when just breathing is a challenge. The air felt like soup and all the new breathing techniques I was learning did nothing to help. I hung in there pretty well until the instructor, Mary, said we were 45 minutes in. That's when I started to rest on my mat occasionally and try to get air into my lungs. I didn't do every move but I didn't embarrass myself either. Hopefully, after the 9 classes I've already paid for, it will be easier enough for me that I will want to stick with it. Today I feel PAIN. My legs hurt when I stand, walk or sit. It's a sign of how good yoga is for the muscles and how out of shape I am.

Bella and Ben got new bikes today - their first "new" ones. What is it about a bicycle that gives you the feeling of freedom? Freedom to go anywhere, freedom to be a kid... Although, when I was a child, I could ride my bike all over the neighborhood and just had to be back home by dinner. We both walked and ran alongside the kids because we would NEVER let them ride alone. Too many crazies out there. Way too dangerous. What a loss it is for this generation. They'll never gain that sense of independence. When will I allow the kids to even walk to the bus stop next door? Maybe at 15? It's terrifying out there. Seeing them ride on their bikes, wind in their hair, legs twirling madly and hearing those laughs just about melted my heart. But always was that feeling of terror that moms have. I was always watching to make sure they didn't fall off the bike or crash into something or miss a car coming around the corner. I once heard a quote about how when you have children, your heart walks around outside your body. How true that is!

Life IS what we make it. Make it a good one.


  1. Welcome to blogging. Don't worry about spreading yourself to thin.. i thought that too about myself until I saw Octomom on Oprah last week and she made my life with 4 kids look like a walk in the park. Sounds like you are doing your best.

    90 minutes sounds like a lot for the first class I could never. My exercise is keeping up with my oldest on his bike while jogging pushing my 2 youngest. First bikes so much fun.

    Enjoy blogging anything goes and I'm sure you will find lots of encouragement.

  2. Thanks, Sherry. I just like getting my thoughts out of my head and this is the perfect way to do it. I look forward to reading your blog!
